Problem: Internet Not Working

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Problem: Internet Not Working

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There are many factors that could play into why your internet is not working. Many of which are easily resolved by following the simple troubleshooting steps below.


1.Ensure that there is power going to your modem and/or router. If you do not have a power outage, make sure the power cords for the devices are plugged in to a functioning power outlet and that the outlet is not connected to a switch that might be turned off.


2.Check for other disconnected wires. Make sure the Ethernet cable connection to your modem (and the connection between your modem and router, if applicable) is not loose or accidentally unplugged.


3.Reboot your cable modem or your phone modem. This step usually is necessary to reestablish a connection after a recent problem.


4.Reboot your router. Unplug the power from the router for 5 seconds, and plug it back in. It should take about 30 seconds to reboot.


5.Reboot your computer. This step can resolve a wide variety of issues.


6. If you are still experiencing issues after you have followed these steps, please contact your Internet provider.