Setting up Port Forwarding

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Setting up Port Forwarding

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If automatic port forwarding fails for any reason you will need to do it manually:


- Make a note of the IP address that is highlighted in the Web Access section of the General Settings

- Login to your router and forward incoming traffic to this port to this IP address. The default address of your router varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If you don't know the address of your router try the following:


Linksys routers:

D-Link and Netgear routers:

US Robotics routers:

SMC routers:


You can find other default addresses using google.

You will be prompted for a username or password. Typically this is admin/ password or admin/ admin unless it has been changed.

Once you are logged in you will see a configuration screen. Again these vary depending on the make of your router. You need to find the page that deals with port forwarding. Look for a menu marked NAT or Port Forwarding or Virtual Servers.

Add the port forward address in - you need to copy the WAN port (default is 8099) into the external port setting, the LAN port (default is 8099) into the local port setting and the IP address you noted in step 1.


Click Save Settings (or similar) and then go back to the program Web Access Settings and run the Routing wizard again.